March/ April News
In math we are learning about fractions. We are learning about improper and mixed numbers. We also know how to change a mixed number into an improper fraction and an improper fraction into a mixed number. We are learning about how to add and subtract fractions, and we know what unit fractions are. We also are multiplying fractions. When we start a new unit in math we always do a pretest and that is so our teacher can know what to teach us. At the end of each unit we take another test to see how much we learned over the past unit.
Axel + Jayden Social Studies* Second Step -
1. Solving Problems 2. Making a Plan 3. Solving Playground Problems 4. Taking Responsibility for Actions * "See something - say something!" Young Author's ContestThe guidelines for the Young Author Project are:
student’s words. 11. Manuscripts must have a substantial cover with pages securely attached. 12. Manuscripts are due to Dr. Smolinski by Wednesday, March 18th. 13. If you enter a manuscript you and your family can go to a breakfast before school. Maybe next year you will be a young author and now you know the rules. Sarah & Carmella
Science* Energy
- Solar Energy - Wind Energy - Water Energy IAR TestingIAR stands for Illinois Assessment of Readiness. We used to do PARCC, but now we do IAR Testing. Testing lasts for a week. If you finish the test in less than the time given, you have to read a book. If you missed a day of the test, you would have to retake it the next week. You must bring your charged chromebook, either headphones or earbuds, and a book. You take math and ELA tests. Math goes for sixty minutes and ELA goes for ninety minutes. When the whole school finishes the tests, they go to the state and they grade them which gets our school to be a top notch school of excellence!
FreckleFreckle is a website that has many different things on it like base 10, fractions, geometry, measurement & data. It has helped me a lot with fractions and stuff like that. This is a link to it. You can do ELA, Science, and Social Studies on it. You can do fact practice and you get coins that help you get stuff from the store. In the store there is a lot of cool stuff that you can get with your coins. You can also get clothes like shorts, sweatshirts sunglasses, and way more. You can go on a streak. If you answer 2 in a row, it will say in the top of the screen its a streak bonus. That means you are doing good and you can get over 50 coins in one round!! Also you can set goals for 200 coins, 800 coins and 1,000 coins. If you finish your goal in a 1 week you will get the coins you chose. You can set your goal to answer questions accurately and there is a new one coming soon. Jack & Isaac |